
Why Choose an Organic Lawn Care Service?

Manage your yard the healthy way with an organic lawn care service. Here’s what you need to know.

organic lawn care service

Many people in today’s world are aware of the serious impacts of synthetic pesticides. Concerns about the effects of pesticides on humans, pets, wildlife and pollinators are leading many home and business owners to seek an organic lawn care service that can offer a better way of managing the landscape without harming the environment. 

Borst Landscape & Design’s organic lawn care services are a safer way to keep your lawn and your family healthy. The Borst approach works with nature to manage your landscaping in a way that is simply better for your grass, better for your family, and better for your pets. And that means better peace of mind.

Call Borst today at (201) 581-8076 to learn more about our organic services, or reach out online.

What is organic lawn care?

According to the University of Maryland, “the working definition of an organic lawn care program is a lawn managed without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.” This does not mean letting go of regular lawn care maintenance like fertilizing and overseeding. In fact, research shows that just mowing and nothing else is not actually the best practice for the environment, because neglecting thorough yard maintenance can lead to bare areas, soil erosion, and runoff.

Organic lawn care, like conventional yard maintenance, requires an investment for beautiful, verdant results. But you don’t have to do the work yourself to have a beautiful lawn. You can call on the experts in organic lawn care to bring a scientific and experience-based approach to your landscaping. 

What questions to ask your organic lawn care service

If you want to get to know a landscaping business and how they approach organic lawn care, you need to know what questions to ask. Here are some examples of questions to get you started.

  • How does your company manage crabgrass?

In NJ, you may want to apply a crabgrass pre-emergent. Your organic lawn care company will also monitor your lawn during excessive rainfall and high temperatures and may apply more herbicide to prevent a crabgrass outbreak at any time of the year. 

  • What about other weeds?

It is best to discuss your lawn’s history with your landscaper, especially if you know weeds periodically affect your lawn. The emphasis should be on keeping your lawn thick and healthy, to prevent the spread of unwanted plants.

  • How high do you mow the lawn?

Lawns should be mowed on a regular basis during the growing season and maintained around 3 inches. 

  • Do you do soil testing?

The nutrients in your soil can change over the year.  An inexpensive soil test can take all the guesswork out of applying the correct nutrients your lawn will need. We recommend investing in a soil test at least every 3 years.

  • How often do you recommend applying organic fertilizer?

While we recommend fertilizing in the spring before the growing season begins, we also recommend a year-round lawn program that focuses on contiguously adding natural organic matter to the soil. Fertilizing in the fall prepares grass for the following year’s growing season.

It all adds up

Organic lawn care just makes sense and offers comprehensive yard maintenance that is simply better for your family and the environment. But it adds up in other ways too. We’re talking about cost.

Although organic fertilizer can initially cost more than synthetic fertilizer, going organic will actually save you money. Our organic lawn care program stresses natural aeration, root stimulation, natural thatch control, and the use of secondary micronutrients to improve the condition of your soil by promoting healthier and stronger root growth. Healthy plants can effectively fight off pests and diseases, and that means organic lawn care services will cost you less in the long run. 

Contact Borst Landscape & Design today to learn more about our expert organic lawn care options. 

Call (201) 581-8076 or reach out with our simple online contact form

Photo by Natasha Ivanchikhina on Unsplash