
Classic Landscape Holiday Decor Ideas Make Your Home Stand Out This Season

landscape holiday decor ideas

These timeless landscape holiday decor ideas will make your property the most striking in the neighborhood


The winter holidays are a magical time. Your decorations are the best way to turn your home into a source of warmth and celebration – not only for your family but for your friends and neighbors as well. Spread the cheer this season with these landscape holiday decor ideas that will make your home a standout in your neighborhood. 


While you’re busy with holiday preparations and merrymaking, let the experts bring the festivity right to your front yard! Every home requires a unique approach, and Borst will work with you to create the best fit for your holiday needs. 

To find out more about the landscape holiday decor ideas we offer, call Borst Landscape & Design at 201-581-8076, or reach out to us online.


Landscape holiday decor ideas that will spark your imagination

If you’re looking for unique and festive holiday decorations, let Borst help bring the magic to your home. We can work with you to create custom lighting or install eye-catching seasonal decorations for the holidays. However, have you considered adding permanent landscaping features to really make your property shine? These landscape holiday decor ideas will not only make a statement during the holidays but throughout the year.


Install a fire pit – a wonderful way to create a welcoming atmosphere for hosting friends and neighbors. With comfortable seating and warm blankets, you’ll have the perfect gathering spot for singing celebratory songs, drinking warm cocoa, and sharing holiday traditions.


Plant conifers and evergreens another way to add texture and color to your property that will last all year long. Not only will you create an outdoor holiday scene, but you can trim sprigs and branches to bring indoors for fresh holiday decorations. 

The Dwarf Alberta Spruce grows in a Christmas-tree shape, making it the perfect addition to any winter landscape. They can be planted or potted, and placing one on either side of the front door creates a simple yet elegant look. 


Add a Holly bush – this classic is among the most cheery and welcoming landscape holiday decor ideas. Typically thought of as a Christmas plant, the Holly boasts lush green foliage and bright red berries. Its branches are perfect for decorating front porches or adding to wreaths, and a yard full of snow-covered Holly bushes is a beautiful sight to wake up to on a winter morning. 


Plant winter-hardy plants Pieris Japonica, Honeywort, and Hellebores thrive in colder temperatures. Many of these colorful plants can be placed directly in your flowerbeds or in winter porch pots to bring life to your landscape. Adding winter blooming plants makes your home stand out on the coldest days.

Contact Borst for all your outdoor holiday needs

Although many of us enjoy decorating for the holidays, making your home into a memorable focal point of the neighborhood can take more time and effort. Whether you add permanent or seasonal features to your landscaping, you may need help to get it all done. 


At Borst Landscape & Design, our landscape holiday decor ideas and installation will help you bring the dark days of winter back to life!  


Call us at 201-581-8076, or fill out an online contact form today.


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash