
Smart and Effective Natural Flea and Tick Prevention


Keep the “great” in “great outdoors” with natural flea and tick prevention 

If you live in New Jersey, you’re probably well aware that summer, while beautiful, comes with its share of hazards and pests—specifically, fleas and ticks. Both are biting insects that can carry diseases, and it’s important to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones (including pets!). However, you don’t want to make your lawn even more hazardous in the process by filling it with harmful chemicals. Instead, consider safe and effective natural flea and tick prevention methods.

Borst Landscape & Design has been providing organic lawn care and pest control services to the Bergen County area for over thirty years, and we’re eager to help you find a natural and effective approach that works for you. Call a Borst professional today at (201) 989-0902 or reach out to us through our online contact form.

A Well-Groomed Lawn is a Pest-Free Lawn

Regular lawn care is the foundation of natural flea and tick prevention. Disease-carrying pests love to make their homes in dead or rotting logs, leaves, and branches, so it’s important to clear them from your property regularly. Shrubs that stay low to the ground can also house pests, so trimming them regularly is prudent. Tall, unmanicured grass can also be attractive to fleas and ticks—it provides a lot of shade and makes it easier for them to jump onto unsuspecting “host” animals or people.

Pests don’t care for well-groomed lawns or sunny clearings. A well-cared-for lawn not only looks nicer—it’s safer, too.

Natural Flea and Tick Prevention Sprays

A regularly maintained, well-kept lawn can make your property inhospitable to pests, but it’s just part of the natural flea and tick prevention picture. Pest control treatments don’t have to be full of chemicals like DEET.

Borst offers an Organic Mosquito, Flea, and Tick Spray that consists of monthly treatments May through September (six total). We will work with you to specialize our approach to your property’s features, covering all areas of your property that may house disease-carrying pests—lawn, garden, under and around decks, and children’s play areas or other features.

Choosing Borst’s organic pest control services is choosing an alternative that is free from harmful chemicals and safe for both your family and your local ecosystem. By using natural flea and tick prevention methods, you, your family, and your furry friends can enjoy the great outdoors stress-free—and without endangering the things that make the great outdoors so great.

Borst’s treatments only target harmful pests, not beneficial insects like honey bees or ladybugs, and they are safe to use around ponds, streams, and other water features without having to worry about toxic chemical run-off. Preserve biodiversity while staying safe!

Go Organic With Borst Landscape & Design

Natural flea and tick prevention can be safe, easy, and effective with the help of the team at Borst. We are eager to help you make the switch to organic pest control, so give us a call today at (201)989-0902 or reach out to us through our online contact form.